
Method 1. Download executable

If you choose to download Scymol’s executable, you just have to make sure that you have the prerequisites from Table 1 installed on your computer. Using the executable allows you to run Scymol without installing Python (or any Python library) on your computer. The executable must be located on the Scymol folder in order to run properly. Download Scymol’s executable for Windows, MacOS, or Linux:

If you wish to generate your own executable from Scymol’s source code, try using Pyinstaller or Py2Exe to compile (see Video 1). Video 2 shows you how to install and run Scymol on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS x64 using Scymol’s executable download. Video 3 shows you how to install and run Scymol on a fresh install of Windows 10 x64 using Scymol’s executable download.

Table 1. List of software requirements that must be installed on your computer before running Scymol's executable.

Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler 2021.2.0 (or any other Coarray Fortran Compiler)
openbabel 3.1.1 (optional)
Download Scymol 2021 (latest, x64) for Windows, Linux, or MacOS

Method 2. Download source code

If you choose to download Scymol’s source code, make sure that you have the prerequisites listed in Table 2 installed on your computer. Then, use Python to run the file located in the Scymol folder (e.g., cd into the Scymol folder using a command line interpreter, type ‘python3’, and press enter). needs to be in the Scymol directory for it to run properly. Download Scymol’s source code as a zip:

Table 2. List of software requirements that must be installed on your computer before running Scymol from its source code.

Download Scymol 2021 (latest) source code